The Trish Sweeney Award is a heartfelt tribute to the spirit and dedication of one of MMuDS' most beloved members. This annual award celebrates young performers who embody the same passion, generosity, and commitment to local theatre that Trish was known for.
With this award, we recognise those who go above and beyond in contributing to the success and joy of MMuDS productions, whether through acting, production, or the countless behind-the-scenes roles that bring each performance to life. It’s our way of thanking those who help make our community theatre a welcoming, vibrant place for everyone.
Whether you’re a long-time member or new to the MMuDS family, the Trish Sweeney Award reminds us all of the impact one person’s dedication can have on our entire community.
1999 - Hope Briggs
2000 - Christopher Robson
2001 - Courtney Smith
2001 - Jacob Bolwell
2002 - Erin Padbury
2002 - Simone Gibney
2003 - Daniel Meadows
2004 - No award given
2005 - No award given
2006 - Saskia Teunissen
2006 - Chris Lewis
2007 - Owen Holland
2008 - Aaron Gleeson
2009 - Nathaniel Parsons
2010 - Hamish Huxtable
2011- Annaliese Lawry
2012 - Shannon Arndt
2013 - Brook Saville
2014 - Bella MacMunn, Jarrah Pitt
2015 - No award given
2016 - Josh Jenkins, Tristan Stevenson
2017 - Lachlan Barrett, Orvokki Britton
2018 - Shannen Andrews
2019 - Rose Hanratty, Cecelia Walker, Tim Morgan, Charli Cooper
2022 - Ayshia Beekman, Samuel Arrowsmith
2023 - Oscar Jones, Derek Beekman, Atlas Lamont

Rose Hanratty
Rose gained the respect of everyone during her involvement with Seussical. Her singing skills and ability to read music made her the obvious choice to understudy many of the roles during the production. At a moments notice she could be called upon to ‘fill in’ for a lead who wasn’t able to be at rehearsals. It was our luck to have someone so able, willing and talented when a principal performer become unavailable during the actual show and for 3 performancesRose calmly stepped in took on the role with a level of professionalism beyond her 16 years.
Cecelia Walker
Cecelia assisted choreographer, Lyn Saville, over 16 weeks of rehearsals. She helped cast members individually and in groups to fine tune movement sequences. At times she understudied roles within the show and stepped up to perform on stage when necessary. Her contribution to Seussical and her mature attitude was a role model to other members in the production. Cecelia took on roles, was part of the makeup crew and helped the Director with many other tasks.
Charli Cooper
Charli Cooper worked with choreographer, Lyn Saville and Cecelia Walker on movement sequences for Seussical. Charli was cast in the ensemble and had multiple roles with the pressure of fast costume changes and the management of younger children in the cast. During the production, due to a resignation, she took on the extra work of a supporting role. What was impressive was the interpretation she brought to that role, resulting in an exciting new perspective to the show.
Tim Morgan
Tim Morgan worked over two productions this year, Blackadder Goes Forth and Sensical. For Blackadder he worked in the Front of House. This area of a production is very important to MMuDS, meeting and greeting audience members sets the mood for them to enjoy the show. He jumped at helping with the theatre lights for Seussical, learning the set up and took on the role of ‘follow-spot’ operator. This is one of the most difficult things to do in a show. It’s a hot machine and you must keep totally focussed on the action and work with the lighting operator. He has excelled in each role that he has taken on.

Shannen Andrews
The Trish Sweeney Youth Encouragement Award for 2018 is awarded to Shannen Andrews. Shannen has been part of the MMuDS community for a number of years, working backstage, often part of the ‘front of house’ team and contributing significantly on stage. More recently she joined the MMuDS Committee and has been a strong contributor. When the opportunity came up to run ‘The Actor Factory’, Shannen eagerly took on the challenge. After spending 10 days at the Victorian Youth Drama League workshops and attending a performing arts course in New York, she brought all she had learnt and shared it with the 16 participants of The Actor Factory. Shannen is a worthy recipient of the Trish Sweeney Youth Encouragement Award as she embodies all that it represents.

Lachlan Barrett
Lachlan has delighted us on stage in both MMuDS productions of Lyfe of Bryan and Jekyll & Hyde. Behind the scenes Lachlan is an incredibly enthusiastic, energetic and passionate actor. His dedication and commitment are inspiring. He does not fail to put a smile on the face of all on stage with him. He is constantly thinking, analysing and committing to memory every direction, line and song. Lachlan hopes to make acting a career, and we at MMuDS would love nothing more than to see him on the big stage!
Orvokki Britton
Orvokki bounced onto the stage as ‘Chip’ the teacup in our 2016 production of Beauty & the Beast and it was hard to believe she was only 11 years old. She performed like a veteran on and off stage, helping others and creating an organised environment for herself and fellow cast members. She hardly took a breath when she took on one of the young leads in Lyfe of Bryan in 2017. It is obvious that Orvokki works hard at her roles, takes on responsibilities and is a strong contributor to MMuDS productions and well deserving of the Trish Sweeney Youth Encouragement Award
Josh Jenkins
Outstanding contribution and commitment to back stage in MMuDS’ production of Beauty and the Beast.
Tristan Stevenson
Outstanding caring and supportive contribution both on stage and back stage to MMuDS’ 2016 productions and past productions.

Bella MacMunn
Bella MacMunn performed exceptionally well in her cast role in Sound of Music, but in addition she was able to understand a broader picture than her stage part. She took on greater responsibilities and helped others to achieve their goals. Most importantly she did this in a complementary way. Being able to see what gaps needed to be filled, solving problems and all the time cheerful and respectful. Bella is also a keen contributor within the Actor Factory and able to listen and take on any number of tasks with confidence and the ability to work with others. This to our way of thinking shows leadership and worthy of recognition.
Jarrah Pitt
Jarrah Pitt was the technical engineer for A Month of Sundays. This is a role not usually taken on by a young person, but Jarrah is currently doing a course on Theatre Management and has a passion and leaning to work in this field. His ability to work independently and almost single handedly taking on the technical side of a full play is no mean feat for anyone. So MMuDS recognizes his skill, ability to work under pressure and thank him for the many hours spent contributing to the success of this play. It is with great respect that we award him the Trish Sweeney Award along with Bella Macmunn for 2014 and their names will now be included on the Honour Board permanently installed in the foyer of the PAC along with deserving previous recipients.