The series is set during the Elizabethan era (1558–1603). The principal character, Edmund, Lord Blackadder, is the great-grandson of the original Black Adder, and is now a member of the London aristocracy. Unlike his forefather, he is both dashing and intelligent, although he is still scheming and cynical in his outlook. The show follows his attempts to win the favour of the childish Queen Elizabeth I. He is aided, and often hindered, by two less-than-intelligent sidekicks, his servant Baldrick and Lord Percy Percy, heir to the Duchy of Northumberland, with whom Blackadder has a grudging friendship.
Throughout the show, Blackadder's chief rival is Lord Melchett, the Queen's pretentious and grovelling Lord Chamberlain. Melchett fears upsetting the Queen, and thus attempts to outdo Blackadder by supporting the Queen in whatever current fad she is interested in. Comic relief in the Court is provided by the Queen's demented former nanny, Nursie.
Blackadder gains a new young servant, Bob, and somehow falls for him. When he discovers that Bob is a girl named Kate, he wishes to marry her, much to Queenie's confusion.
Attempting to impress the Queen in the wake of Sir Walter Raleigh's return, Blackadder plans to go on a voyage to the Cape Of No Hope, from whence no man has ever returned, and he might marry the Queen if he returns. Blackadder hires the flamboyant Captain Redbeard Rum, who has lost his legs and thinks that every part of Blackadder's body is like a woman's, to accompany them.
Blackadder is threatened by the baby-eating Bishop of Bath and Wells. If Blackadder doesn't pay back the £1,000 he once borrowed from the Bank of the Black Monks, the Bishop will shove his heated poker up Blackadder's bottom (presumably killing him). With Blackadder having to pay the Queen each time he falls for her stupid tricks, things look bleak for him, until he comes up with a plan so cunning you could brush your teeth with it.
The Elizabethan One
Blackadder - Kieren Innes-Irons
Queenie - Megan Kavanagh
Lord Percy Percy - Ian Todd
Baldrick - Daryl Hunt
Nursie - Dallas Daniel
Archbishop Melchett - Paul Hanratty
Lord Flasheart, Sir Walter Raleigh, Sailor, Mad Begger - Leigh Johnstone
Captain Red Beard Rum, Kate/Bob, Messenger - Meredith Newman
Bishop of Bath & Wells, Kate's Father - Mike Fischer
Young Crone, Mollie, Mrs Pants - Shannen Andrews
Wise woman - Laurel Lawrie
Dr Leech, Mr Pants - Roger NolanDirector - Karen Pirie
Assistant Director & Producer - Camille Murphy
Stage Manager - Megan Kavanagh
Pianist - Serena Moring
Documentary Maker - Kelli-Ann Gotje
Portrait Photography - Josh Payne
Set design - Barry Mills
Set Builder & Set Furniture - Barry Mills
Costume coordinator - Karen Pirie
Helmets & weapons - Bill Romans, Ian Ribbons
Stage Crew - Josh Jenkins, Kelli-Ann Gotje
Front of House Manager - Suzie Roberts
Front of House Crew - Alice Burton, Jackie Cesnik, Erica Morgan, Alyssa Lamont, Ruby Ersvaer, Tim Morgan
Lighting Designer & Set-up - Zayne Breadmore
Lighting Operator - Bernadette Gifford, Michael Isbister
Sound Set-up - Michael Isbister, Caitlin Todd
Sound Operator - Caitlin Todd
Radio Advertising & Interviews Coordinator - Roger Nolan
Production Assistant - Laurel Lawrie
Sound Effects - Ian Mallyon
Poster Design - Daniel Belle
Journalist - Allison Walker